Git for Data Analyst

St.Clair Centre for the Arts, 201 Riverside Drive West, Windsor, N9A 5K4

St. Clair College - Windsor, Canada

Git / Version Control is an open-source version control system that allows us to work collaboratively with others. As a data analyst you would be required to work with other analyst, data engineers or data scientist and git allows use to work together more efficiently.

Apr 8, 10:00 – 11:00 PM

12 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Open Source

About this event

This is an interactive lab where you get to learn by doing as we complete a series to task that help us understand how git can help accelerate our workflow.

Principles of Git - We’ll cover the basics of Git and some of the essential terminology and basic commands that you’ll use everyday.

Getting Started with Git - Interactive Lab where we install Git on your local machine, create a repository, pull and push changes to the repository.

Free Resources for Students - Get access to a guide of free resources, tools and applications that are available to students and aspiring data analyst.

Q & A Session - Ask questions, troubleshoot issues you have or seek clarification on terminology and commands. 



Monday, April 8, 2024
10:00 PM – 11:00 PM UTC


  • Troy Hector

    St. Clair College

    Data Analyst


  • Ricardo Calleja

    St. Clair College

    GDSC Lead

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

  • Troy Hector

    St. Clair College

    GDSC Leader

  • lizbet Garcia


  • Tatiana Nievas Velasco


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