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GoogleDevs Bootcamp

Mediterranean School of Business, 1053 Les Berges du Lac II Walkway, Tunis, 1053

South Mediterranean University - Tunisia, Tunisia

We’re thrilled to have you on board for this exciting journey of exploration and learning. Throughout the month of Ramadan, we’ll be diving into various Google technologies, and each workshop is certified to enhance your skills. Join us in our small celebration this Wednesday as we break our fast together and kick off the series with the first workshop.

Key Themes

Explore MLMachine Learning

About this event

We’re thrilled to have you on board for this exciting journey of exploration and learning. Throughout the month of Ramadan, we’ll be diving into various Google technologies, and each workshop is certified to enhance your skills. Join us in our small celebration this Wednesday as we break our fast together and kick off the series with the first workshop. 

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Wednesday, March 13, 2024
5:28 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • Mahmoud Mansouri

    GDSC Mentor

  • Fatima Alzhra Mohamed

    South Mediterranean University

    GDSC Lead

  • Ikram Mtimet

    South Mediterranean University

    GDSC Co-Lead

  • Alaa Bousselmi

    GDSC HR Lead

  • shahd ramah

    Social Media Lead

  • ines mrad

    South Mediterranean University

    General Secretary

  • Dorra Ben Salah

    GDSC Projects Lead

  • Jed Boulahya

    WebDev Lead

  • Eya Ouenniche

    HealthTech Lead

  • Toujani Faten

    Partnership Lead

  • Nour Benamor

    G-Coders Lead

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