Introduction to OpenVino

Sister Nivedita University (SNU), New Town, New Town, 700156

Sister Nivedita University - Kolkata, India

Join us for an interactive, fun and beginner-friendly session on the introduction of OpenVino where one can learn the basics and also explore open source.

Nov 7, 2023, 9:30 – 11:30 AM

104 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Explore MLMachine LearningOpen Source

About this event

Yet again GDSC SNU chapter has come up with its new event for all the tech enthusiasts!

Join us for an interactive, fun and beginner-friendly session on the introduction of OpenVino where one can learn the basics and also explore open source.

The whole event will focus on:

1. Exploring the new OpenVINO toolkit

2. What is OpenVINO

3. LlMs and OpenVINO

4. GenAI with OpenVINO

5. Exploring opensource

6. OpenVINO notebooks

Date: 7th November, 2023

Time: 3pm onwards

Venue: SNU 205 lab

You wouldn’t want to miss it if you’re curious about this toolkit!



Tuesday, November 7, 2023
9:30 AM – 11:30 AM UTC


Introduction to OpenVino Toolkit


  • Abhishek Nandy

    PrediQt Business solutions pvt LTD

    Chief Data Scientist


  • Ankana Chakraborty

    Google DSC



  • Ankana Chakraborty

    Google DSC

    GDSC Lead

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