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Introduction to Jetpack Compose Camp!

Sister Nivedita University, New Town, Kolkata, 700156

Sister Nivedita University - Kolkata, India

The AppDev lead of GDSC SNU Pratik Chakraborty, shall be hosting the Compose Camp 2022, focusing on Android app development with the help of Jetpack Compose.

Key Themes

AndroidCompose Camp

About this event

This is an intro session on the event series for people who are new to Android development and want to learn how to build apps using Jetpack Compose, which is Android’s modern UI toolkit. By participating in Compose Camp, you’ll learn in a group setting with other people, to keep you motivated through the journey and to lean on each other for support.

You’ll also learn the basics of the Kotlin programming language and how to build a collection of basic Android apps that you can customize as you desire.

No programming experience is needed! If you’ve been wanting to learn how to build apps, this is your chance. Invest the time in upskilling yourself to learn the foundations of building modern Android apps with the support of our community, and who knows where that will you lead you!

Date: 17th September 2022

Time: 9 pm

See you there🤞

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Pratik Chakraborty

    Talking Lands

    Software Developer


  • Ankana Chakraborty

    Google DSC

    GDSC Lead

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