Opening Ceremony GDSC-SMIU 22-23

Sindh Madrasa-tul-Islam University, City Campus, Karachi, Aiwan-e-Tijarat Rd, Seari Quarters, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh 74000, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, 12345

Sindh Madressatul Islam University - Karachi, Pakistan

Google Developer Student Club SMIU Organized Orientation Day for the tenure 2022-23 for the students of SMI University to know about What is Google Developer Student Club and what are our future plans.

Oct 18, 2022, 5:30 – 7:30 AM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Hola Everyone!

As orientation promotes the feeling of belongingness, loyalty, and new understanding among newcomers. The Google developer Student Club-SMIU decided to take this much-needed initial step and organized an orientation session for our new students on October 18th, Tuesday, to explain what GDSC is and how everyone can benefit from it.

Haris Solangi, Waleed Arshad, and Arbaz Pirwani joined us as well and decided to share the information and experiences that they gained from their lives with us.

🔹The Lead GDG and our very first guest speaker, Mr. Haris Solangi @harrissolangi, gave a thorough explanation of Google Developer Groups to our audience.

🔹Followed by Mr. Waleed Arshad, whose session taught us the importance of persistence and consistency, and gave us some amazing recommendations about the CV and resume.

🔹Later, Mr. Arbaz Pirwani @arbazpirwani told some incredible tales about his life with each slide, which completely altered the audience's atmosphere. It was great to witness his outstanding Rubix cube-solving skills and incredible sketches.

🔹After Ted Talks, our former lead Danella Patrick and current lead Syed Wajid Hussain spoke onstage about the google developers student club and gave a quick overview of it.

🔹Finally, Miss Saima Sippi, our advisor, concluded this session by handing out the mementoes to our Guest speakers.


  • Waleed Arshad

    Google Developer Expert

  • Harris Solangi

    Google Developer Groups


  • Arbaz Pirwani

    Bazaar Technologies

    Senior Software Engineer

  • Danella Patrick

    Sindh Madressatul Islam University

  • Syed Wajid Hussain


    Community Mentor


  • Syed Wajid Hussain


    Community Mentor


  • Shayan Nasir

    GDSC Lead

  • Zubair Ahmed

    Team Support

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