Cloud Computing & GCP Career

Sindh Madressatul Islam University - Karachi, Pakistan

Cloud Computing has become one of the major tools in our world. This Session helps you to learn about Cloud Computing and GCP.

Nov 2, 2020, 1:00 – 3:00 PM

13 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Google Cloud

About this event

DSC SMIU presents Cloud Computing & GCP Career in collaborating with DSC UOP  and DSC SAU

Session Overview

Google Cloud is a suite of cloud services hosted on Google's infrastructure. From computing and storage to data analytics, machine learning, and networking, Google Cloud offers a wide variety of services and APIs that can be integrated with any cloud-computing application or project—be it personal or enterprise-grade.

In this introductory-level lab, you will take your first steps with Google Cloud by getting hands-on practice with the Cloud Console—an in-browser UI that lets you access and manage Google Cloud services. You will identify the key features of Google Cloud and also learn the ins and outs of the Qwiklabs environment. If you are new to cloud computing or looking for an overview of Google Cloud and Qwiklabs, you are in the right place.


  • Raja Ahmad


    Featured Learner at CloudSeekho Season 1


  • Muhammad Hanif

    Google Developer Student Clubs

    DSC Lead

  • Rao Ubaidullah Javeed

    Sindh Agriculture University

    DSC Lead


  • Shayan Nasir

    GDSC Lead

  • Zubair Ahmed

    Team Support

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