GDSC WoW | Gujarat

Karnavati University, Dist, Gandhinagar, 382422

Silver Oak University - Ahmedabad, India

GDSC WoW Gujarat is a tech conference organized by Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) in Gujarat, India. It is an annual event that brings together students, developers, and tech enthusiasts from all over the state to learn about the latest technologies, network with industry experts, and build their skills.

Apr 16, 2023, 3:00 AM – 12:30 PM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Google CloudOpen SourceWeb

About this event

Learn from industry experts: GDSC WoW Gujarat features a variety of talks and workshops from Google engineers and other industry experts. These sessions are a great opportunity to learn about the latest technologies and get insights from people who are working on the cutting edge of the tech industry.

Network with other students and developers: GDSC WoW Gujarat is a great opportunity to meet other students and developers who are passionate about technology. You can connect with people from all over the state and learn from each other's experiences.

Build your skills: GDSC WoW Gujarat features a variety of workshops and hackathons where you can learn new skills and build your portfolio. These events are a great way to put your skills to the test and get feedback from industry experts.

Have fun: GDSC WoW Gujarat is more than just a tech conference. It's also a chance to have fun and make new friends. There are social events, games, and other activities that you can enjoy with other attendees.



Sunday, April 16, 2023
3:00 AM – 12:30 PM UTC


  • Kartik Derasari

  • Bhargav Patel

    Coffee Hours Club


  • Shreyan Mehta

    Karta Dharta

    CEO - Karta Dharta

  • Rahul Khinchi

    Developer Advocate Intern @Onboardbase

    GSoC'22 | GitHub Campus Expert 🚩 | B-MLSA | Founder @DeCodeCafe



    GDSC Lead

  • Sanket shah

    Faculty Advisor

  • Vimarsh Tiwari

    GDSC Co-Lead

  • Gunja Shah

    Research Lead

  • Lav Patel


  • Yash Simejiya


    Tech Lead

  • Ansh Vachheta

    Design Lead

  • Shreshang Thakor

    Curation and Content Lead

  • abhay mandli

    Management Lead

  • Het Nayee

    Silver oak university

    Outreach Lead

  • Aayush Parikh

    Management Co-Lead

  • Jaival Suthar

    Content Co-Lead

  • Dhritiman Bharadwaj

    Tech Student Advisor

  • Gaud Shwetkamal

    Cyber-Security Student Advisor

  • Frenny Chothani

    Silver Oak University



    Research Co-Lead

  • Harshil Rana

    Android Lead

  • Rohan Shaw


    AI-ML Lead

  • Harsh Awasthi


  • Aum Prajapati

    Curation Co-Lead

  • Prashant Chettiyar

    CyberSecurity Lead

  • Jaiman Soni

    Technical Co-Lead

  • Krish Satasiya

    Silver Oak University

    Design Co-Lead

  • Riya Chawla

    Outreach Co-Lead

  • V Sharma

    Management Co-Lead

  • Prince Dayani

    CyberSecurity Co-Lead

  • Karm Pandya


  • Dhruvi Jain

    UI/UX Lead

  • Lavesh Manglani

    Video-Graphics Lead

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