GCSJ-Doubt Clearing

Rustamji Institute of Technology - Gwalior, India

Stuck on Google Cloud Study Jam labs? Struggling with errors? Our session is tailored just for you. We'll clear your doubts about labs and solve any errors you encounter during completion. Don't miss out—reserve your spot now!

Oct 21, 2023, 4:30 – 7:00 AM

25 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Cloud Study JamGoogle Cloud

About this event

Feeling stuck with Google Cloud Study Jam labs or errors? Don't worry, we've got your back! Our expert-led Doubt Clearing Session is here to help. Join us for in-depth guidance tailored to address your specific questions about labs and error resolution. Our mentors will provide hands-on support, ensuring you understand the concepts thoroughly and can complete your tasks seamlessly.

What We Offer:

Personalized Guidance: Get one-on-one support from our mentors, tailored to address your specific challenges and questions about the labs.

Error Resolution: We'll help you troubleshoot and resolve any errors that might be hindering your progress, ensuring you understand the concepts thoroughly.

Collaborative Learning: Engage in discussions with fellow learners, share your experiences, and learn from one another. Collaboration is key to mastering Google Cloud technologies.


  • Piyush Yadav


    Google Cloud Facilitator


  • Dhruv Dorbi

    GDSC Lead

  • Rahul Pandey

    Core Team Member

  • Lalita .

    Core Team Member

  • Priya Yadav

    Core Team Member

  • daksh sharma

    Core Team Member

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