Android Study Jams: Compose Camp: Session: 3

Pune Vidyarthi Griha's College of Engineering and Technology - Pune, India

• More Kotlin Fundamentals • Build a scrollable list • Build beautiful apps

Key Themes

AndroidCompose Camp

About this event

Ever had an idea to build an app and still wish to build it? Or ever had an urge to build amazing apps like Google, Tinder, and Netflix?

Start your journey of Android Development with Kotlin with Android Study Jams - Compose Camp!

An event focused on Android application development using Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern toolkit for making native UI development simplified and accelerated, with lesser code and powerful tools.

Also, earn digital badges from Google as you complete the digital quizzes during the study jam, and have them on your Google Developer profile, and your social media as well!

Join in for Android Study Jams from the 21st of September to the 6th of October and kickstart your Android development journey with Kotlin with Jetpack compose!

We have a plethora of events planned out for you, starting with an introductory workshop on the basics of programming in Kotlin, followed by online sessions that will walk you through the fundamentals of building an android app, its user interface, lists, and material designs, navigation, and app architecture. To top it all off, we'll be giving you guys a chance to ideate, create and submit your own app to compete for first place!!

Session 3 :

• More Kotlin Fundamentals

• Build a scrollable list

• Build beautiful apps

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Nishant Khandhar



  • Faizan Kalkoti




  • Siddhesh Kukade


    App Expert


  • Anushka Patil

    GDSC Lead

  • 0088_Atharva Chaudhari

    Design Team Head

  • Heramb Patil


    Technical Team Head

  • 0018 Vaishnavi Choudhari

    Management and Operations Head

  • Sushmita Chaudhari

    Marketing Team Head

  • Atharv Pujari

    Content Team Head

  • Chinmayee Gade

    Student Mentor

  • Anushka Patil

    Team Lead

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