Intro to Data Science

Port Said University - Port Said, Egypt

Why Data science became so popular? Four V’s of Big Data Data-Driven Decisions Type of Data Analytics Team Data science process Data science skills

Sep 8, 2020, 6:00 – 7:30 PM

3 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Machine Learning

About this event

Alone you can go far, but together we can go even farther 💫

In the name of several DSC Egypt branches, we would like to introduce you to the immense Data science Track.

An event to know all about Data science and its required skills, The Four V’s of Big Data, Data-Driven Decisions and Type of Data Analytics.

Give yourself a chance to learn what it means to be a data scientist!

You will get into this and work alongside our professional Eng/Ahmed Mohy.

Eng/Ahmed Mohy has massive experience in the field of data science with an experience that includes:

- Data science Lead at AIM technologies.

- Data scientist at Etisalat UAE.

- Senior data scientist at Vodafone Egypt

By finishing the track you get a gift box:

T-shirt from Google and a certificate of attendance.

The introduction session will be held on Tuesday at 8 pm.

And the rest of the course will start at Saturday 12 of September.

اتحادنا دايما بيكملنا، ويوصلنا لطريق اوسع للخبرة والمعرفة

و من المنطلق دا اتجمعت اغلب فروع DSC Egypt عشان تقدم كورس كامل فى Data science

وتتيحلنا الفرصة نتعرف على المجال من البداية واهم مصطلحاته ومتطلباته

الكورس يشمل كل الجوانب اللى محتاج تعرفها زى :

- What is Data Science?

- Why should you learn Data Science?

- Why Data science became so popular nowadays?

- Data science Required skills.

- The Four V’s of Big Data.

- Data-Driven Decisions.

- Type of Data Analytics.

- Data science Team process.

كل دا هياخدنا لبدايته ونعرفه اكتر مع

باشمهندس/ أحمد محي 

وهو أجدر شخص يكملنا عن المجال نظرا لخبرته الواسعة من خلال تجربته وعمله فى:

- Data science Lead at AIM technologies.

- Data scientist at Etisalat UAE.

- Senior data scientist at Vodafone Egypt.

السيشن التقديمية مع م/أحمد محى هتكون يوم الثلاثاء ٨ مساء

وبحضورك للتراك اللى هيبدأ يوم السبت ١٢ سبتمبر تقدر تحصل على تيشرت وgift box من جوجل وشهادة حضور من البرانش

عشان تحضر لازم تسجل على اللينك التالي






  • ahmed mohy

    AIM technologies

    Data Science Lead


  • mohamed mostafa amin

    GDSC PSU Lead

    GDSC Lead

  • Mahmoud Darwish

    Head Technical

  • Mariam Saber

    Head Media team

  • Asmaa Anwar Elon

    Head PR

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