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From Hackathon to Startup - the CEO of Artemis Code

UPV - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática ETSINF, s/n Camí de Vera, València, 46022

Polytechnic University of Valencia - Valencia, Spain

We are bringing Joan García, the CEO of Artemis Code that will sahre his experience and the obstacles to launch a startup being a computer scientist.

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentUI / UXWeb

About this event

Joan García is the CEO of Artemis Code, a startup that focuses on helping pymes through improving and making their software more efficient. This idea came up during a Hackathon when this and 3 other students were coursing their last year of university. After winning this competition they continued working on this idea and they founded the company. In this talk, he will be talking about his journey as a computer scientist building a company from scratch and about the obstacles he came across to get to where he is actually.

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  • Marina Ortells Sicilia

    GDSC Lead

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