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Study Jam Week 1 #UIUXDesign

Politeknik Negeri Semarang - Semarang, Indonesia

Study Jam is one of the events organized by the Google Developer Student Clubs Chapter at Politeknik Negeri Semarang. It is a workshop designed to help students understand and learn about various technologies, including Mobile App Development, Web Development, UI/UX Design, and Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence.

Key Themes


About this event

In this virtual event, we will be learning about the fundamentals of UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) at Study Jam Week 1 #UIUXDesign - "Introduction to UI/UX Design" featuring our amazing speakers:

  • Nabila Ihza Sivana, Curriculum & Developer

We hope you are all very excited to learn from our exceptional speakers at our upcoming event, Study Jam #UIUXDesign. We are confident that this virtual event will provide a valuable learning experience for everyone involved.

To ensure a smooth experience, here are some additional things you can do to prepare for the virtual event:
  • Installing Figma desktop using this link (optional)
  • Ensure you have a good internet connection. You will need to be able to stream the speakers' talks and participate in practical sessions.
  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to work. You'll want to focus on the speakers' talks and follow the guidelines without distractions.
  • Test your audio and video equipment. Ensure that your microphone and webcam are working properly so you can actively participate in practical sessions and ask questions if any problems arise.

We look forward to seeing you at Study Jam Week 1 #UIUXDesign!

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Nabila Ihza Sivana

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    Curriculum & Developer


Dicoding logo



  • Rafi Adi Pramana

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    GDSC Lead

  • Damar Satria Buana

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    GDSC Co-Lead

  • haidar alfathin

    Head of Curriculum & Developer

  • Fahima Nabila

    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Riski Dafa

    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Ilham Rizky H

    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Nabila Ihza


    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Aufaa Hamiidah Aryana

    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Eka Yulianto

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Hendi Ahmad

    Staff of Curriculum & Developer

  • Leonardo Saputro

    Head of Media & Creatives

  • Raihana Khalika

    Staff of Media & Creatives

  • Zalfa Rosya

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    Staff of Media & Creatives

  • Luqman Aldi Prawiratama

    Staff of Media & Creative

  • Anisya Rosyidiana

    Head of Public Relation

  • M Naufal Syarifudin

    Staff of Public Relation

  • Fania Nur Annisa

    Staff of Public Relation

  • Salma Salsabila

    Staff of Public Relation

  • Salwa Fitriyatunnisa

    Head of Event Organizer

  • Mustaghfiri Ashar

    Staff of Event Organizer

  • Achmad Muchibin

    Staff of Event Organizer

  • Shafira Jihan

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    Staff of Event Organizer

  • Nandya Nurmala

    Head of Finance

  • Ina Anggraeni

    Staff of Finance

  • Felicia Amarantha Khairunnisa

    Politeknik Negeri Semarang

    Staff of Finance

  • Nabilla Setyawan

    Staff of Event Organizer

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