Why to use Git and Git essentials workshop

Bucharest, Splaiul Independenței 313, Bucharest, 060042

This workshop will cover the fundamentals of GitHub, including a deep dive into security strategies and essential practices on the platform. Additionally, it will provide insights on utilizing GitHub Actions to implement CI/CD processes across your repositories. GitHub Actions, an advanced feature of the platform, allows for native automation, artifact management, and CI/CD functionalities.

Dec 1, 2023, 5:00 – 8:00 PM



Key Themes

AccessibilityOpen SourceSolution Challenge

About this event

Get ready to dive into the world of Git with our comprehensive workshop! This session will equip you with the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to harness the power of Git for efficient version control in your projects.

Throughout the workshop, you'll explore the core concepts of Git, learning how to manage code versions, collaborate seamlessly, and track changes effectively. From basic commands like commit and branch to more advanced techniques such as branching strategies and conflict resolution, this workshop covers it all.

But that's not all! At the culmination of the workshop, we're hosting an exciting contest with fantastic prizes! This contest will put your newfound Git skills to the test in a fun and engaging way. Show off your abilities in version control, collaboration, and problem-solving within Git to compete for some exciting rewards.

The workshop will consist of two parts. First, there will be an approximately 10 minute presentation where I'll discuss the significance of Git and GitHub/GitLab within the realm of social science research. I'll showcase relevant features and introduce workflows from software development that could be beneficial in this context.

The second segment, will be more interactive. During this part, we'll delve into the typical pull-commit-push-pull request cycle. This hands-on experience will enable participants to actively engage with Git and GitHub, primarily utilizing the RStudio Git interface.

To fully participate in the practical workshop, participants should ensure they have the following prerequisites fulfilled (installation and setup instructions will be provided 1-2 weeks before the workshop):

- Git installed

- GitHub account

- A private repository named 'git-tryout' (initialized with a README)

- RStudio installed

Join us for an enriching workshop, and stay tuned for the thrilling Git contest where your skills could earn you some fantastic prizes!



Friday, December 1, 2023
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC




  • Antonia Baican

    Politehnica University of Bucharest


  • Denisa Florina

    Politehnica University of Bucharest



  • Miguel Fernando Cruz


  • Miguel de la Parte

    Universidad de Valladolid

  • Paul Dam Quang Thanh


    Cloud Practitioner


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  • Denisa .


    GDSC Lead

  • Antonia Baican

    GDSC Lead

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