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NG-POLAND The biggest Angular Conference in Europe – 8th edition

Złota 59, 59 Złota, Warszawa, 00-120

Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology - Warsaw, Poland

FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO CRAFT THE BEST ANGULAR APPLICATIONS NG Poland is a full day conference featuring the world’s leading Angular experts. Find all details on our website You will meet and mingle with peers, world renowned speakers, technology fans, published authors and Open Source core committers.

Key Themes


About this event

One of the biggest Angular events - NG Poland conference will be held in less than a week on November 6, 2023 for the 8th year in a row!

The premiere hall of Multikino will be filled to the brim with the coolest participants in the world, and we will see the giants of our sector on stage. Among others, we will see the following speakers: From The Angular Core Team  Alex Rickabaugh, Mark Thompson, Pawel Kozlowski, and Minko Gechev. Additionally, we'll be joined by consultant and author Manfred Steyer, Front End Tech Lead Nir Kaufman, CEO of Michael Hladky, Chief Technology Officer of Miško Hevery, and many more inspiring presenters!

You will meet diverse people, coming from different cultural and educational backgrounds! They will encourage you to improve and grow personally and professionally. As you meet and talk with other participants, you can present your work and ideas to them. Talking about what you do with professionals in your sector can make you feel more confident about what you have accomplished in your role.

Having an international conference listed in your achievements shows that you are confident, you care about your profession, and most likely have gathered the knowledge you now have from practical sources.

Hope to see you there!

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Tuesday, November 7, 2023
7:00 AM – 10:45 PM UTC


  • Nikita Toropov

    GDSC Lead

  • Maja Frankowska


    GDSC Lead

  • Mariia Kosii

    GDSC Lead

  • Mir Haidar

    Core Team Member

  • Polina Zevakina

    Core Team Member

  • Oskar Kalbarczyk


    Core Team Member

  • Maryna Kamienieva

    Core Team Member

  • Gor Dallakjan

    Core Team Member

  • Viktoriia Vinnykova

    Core Team Member

  • Wiktor Zając

    Core Team Member

  • Karolina Wierzbicka

    Core Team Member

  • Piotr Grzywacki

    Core Team Member

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