DSC Web Bootcamp: JavaScript Introduction

Palestine Polytechnic University - Hebron, Palestine

This the last session in the first PPU DSC Web Bootcamp.

Jan 17, 2021, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

74 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

in this session, our technical member will introduce the following topics : 

- What is JS?

- Integrating JS with HTML

- Developer Tool (console.log)


- Variables, Comments, Conditions, Loops

- Functions

- ES5, ES6 (only mention)



- JS Libraries (only mention with example)

- Frameworks (only mention with frameworks example)

- Where to go


  • Shadi Almohtaseb

    GDSC Lead

  • lujayn aburajab

    Co-Lead & Main Designer

  • tarteel tamimi

    Technical Member

  • Tarteel Alnatsheh

    Technical Member

  • Ghaydaa Qaisiya

    Public Relations & Photography

  • shahd maswadeh

    Organizer & Media Editor

  • Saja Almuraqtn

    Technical Member

  • baraa hawamdeh


  • Mohammed Hijazi

    Technical Member

  • amjad khatib

    Public Relations

  • husam abu-zaina

    Technical Member

  • fakheralddin talahmeh

    Technical Member

  • Batool Shaheen

    Technical Member

  • Yasser A Sharabati

    Technical Member

  • Safa Qasrawi

    Technical Member

  • yaffa jaradat

    Organizer & Technical Member

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