GCSJ - Session 3

PA College of Engineering, Web Lab, Manglore, 574153

P. A. College of Engineering - Mangaluru, India

Two hour session allowing students to do their course at college computer labs

Oct 18, 2023, 8:30 – 10:30 AM

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Key Themes

Cloud Study JamGoogle Cloud

About this event

GCSJ session for first year students


Wednesday, October 18, 2023
8:30 AM – 10:30 AM UTC


  • Shab Naz

    Novigo Solutions

    GDSC Lead

  • Afham Akram Hasan

    Creatives Lead

  • Adnan Abdul Rahman

    Creatives Co-Lead

  • Fathima Musfira

    Events Head

  • Rifah sameen Sarang

    Operational Head

  • Furqan Shaikh

    Operational Co-Lead

  • Afrah Abdul Aziz

    P. A college of engineering

    PR and Social Media Lead

  • Muadh Bin Mohammed Ali

    Compass Logistics

    Tech Lead

  • Mohammed Hisham

    P.A. College of Engineering

    Tech Co-Lead

  • Mohammed Faizal

    P. A College of Engineering

    Faculty Advisor

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