Intro to Unreal Engine 5 Workshop

North Seattle College - Seattle, United States

Join 2 club members, Travis Crabbe and Lucian Eckert-Dean, to get a basic grasp of applying your OOP knowledge to Unreal Engine 5 by creating projects, levels, and using blueprints.

Jan 27, 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 PM

11 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AR / VRAndroid

About this event

In this event, we will cover how to get started with Unreal Engine 5 after you have finished installing it. 

Prior to the event, please install Unreal Engine 5 by following these steps:

Make sure to include Starter Content in the installation options to follow along with our workshop.

Unreal Engine 5 is a large download, upwards of 20GB, so please provide ample time to install the software before our workshop.

Join 2 club members, Travis Crabbe and Lucian Eckert-Dean, to get a basic grasp of applying your OOP knowledge to Unreal Engine. By the end of the workshop, you should :

- Know how to create a new project using a template

- Know how to create a level and insert 3D models and light sources

- Know how to get free game dev assets from the Unreal Marketplace

- Know how to create a blueprint (similar to a class, but in Unreal Engine's visual scripting language)

- Know how to use blueprints to interact with the level you've created on a basic level

- Have direction on how to continue your learning


  • Travis Crabbe


    Community and Marketing Lead

  • Lucian Eckert-Dean


  • Jonah Uellenberg

    GDSC Lead

  • Lucian Eckert-Dean

    Vice President

  • Jared Scarr

    Project Organizer

  • No Name

    Workshop Organizer

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

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