Solutions Challenge Info session

Ndejje University - Kampala, Uganda

The Google Solutions Challenge is an annual event that encourages students to come up with innovative solutions to real-world problems using Google technologies. The challenge is open to undergraduate and graduate students from around the world, and is organized by Google in collaboration with leading academic institutions.

Feb 4, 2023, 7:00 – 10:00 AM

6 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AR / VRAndroidFirebaseFlutterSolution ChallengeWeb

About this event

The Google Developer Student Clubs 2023 Solution Challenge mission is to solve for at least one of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals using Google technology. Created by the United Nations in 2015 to be achieved by 2030, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed upon by all 193 United Nations Member States aim to end poverty, ensure prosperity, and protect the planet.


Getting started!

Step 1: Join a Google Developer Student Club (anytime!)

Step 2: Start hosting info sessions, hackathons, and design days (Dec-Jan)

Step 3: Form a team (Dec-Jan)

Step 4: Select United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Dec-Jan)

Design and build!

Step 5: Identify a Solution (Jan)

Step 6: Learn & build (Jan-Feb)

Design the front-end interface

Design the back-end technology

Step 7: Test your solution (Feb-March)

Step 8: Iterate (Feb-March)

Sumissions and judging!

Step 9: Record a demo video and submit by March 31st, 2023

Step 10: Top 100 solutions announced (May)

Step 11: Top 100 mentoring (May)

Step 12: Top 10 finalists announced (June)

Step 13: Top 3 winners announced live on YouTube (August)

Step 14: Celebrate all the 2023 Solution Challenge participants!

Below is a detaled structure of the different stages we shall go through during our solution challenge.


1. Please clearly describe the challenge you are solving for using a problem statement. (5 POINTS)

2. What United Nations' Sustainable Development goal(s) AND target(s) did you choose for your solution? What inspired you to select these specific goal(s) AND target(s)? (5 POINTS)


3. Describe the architecture that your team chose for your solution. What are the high-level components of your architecture? What is the responsibility of each component? (5 POINTS)

4. Which specific products and platforms did you choose to implement these components and why? (5 POINTS)


5. Feedback from users, testing, & iteration

Walk us through the steps you took to test your solution with real users (outside of your team). Provide three specific feedback points you received from real users.

What did you learn and how did it help improve your solution? What are three specific things you implemented and improved for your solution based on the feedback from users? (5 POINTS)

6. Code testing and iteration

Highlight one challenge you faced while building your code, including detail on how you addressed the issue and the technical decisions and implementations you had to make. (5 POINTS)


7. How does your solution address the challenge you are looking to solve for? Describe the success of your solution using metrics, goals, and outcomes. What Google technologies are you using to track usage analytics? Using relevant (or meaningful) statistics, concrete data or numerical examples where possible. Or, where numbers aren’t possible to use, please describe your project’s impact using cause and effect. (5 POINTS)

8. Upload a copy of your demo video. Make sure the video demonstrates a working application and how a user will interact with the solution. Make sure the video also makes effective use of the chosen Google products. Feel free to include infographics or visual representation of the data in your demo video. (5 POINTS)


9. What do you see as the future / next steps for your project? How would you expand your solution to reach a larger audience? (5 POINTS)

10. Explain how the technical architecture of your solution could support (in its current state or with minor changes) scaling to a larger audience. (5 POINTS)

Judging: Criteria for Judges


Does the entry establish a clear challenge using their problem statement?


Do they explain clearly which UN Sustainable Development goals and targets they chose for their solution and why? (5 POINTS)

Feedback from users, testing & iteration (5 POINTS)

Does the team clearly describe three feedback points they received from real users and the steps they took to test them?

Is there evidence of what the team learned and how the solution was iterated upon based on user feedback?

Does the solution address the challenge (and problem statement) identified by the team? Does the team adequately describe the success of their solution using metrics, goals, and outcomes, or through cause and effect? (5 POINTS)

Is there evidence of next steps? Does the team display a clear plan for future extension to a larger audience if they were to continue? (5 POINTS)


Does the team clearly describe the following: architecture, high-level components, responsibility of each component, specific products and platform they implemented? Has the team clearly explained what Google technology they used and why? (5 POINTS)

Does the solution implement all the technical components needed to solve the challenge? (5 POINTS)

Code testing and iteration (5 POINTS)

Does the team highlight one challenge they faced while building their code, how they addressed the issue, and the technical decisions and implementations they had to make? Did the team include guidance on running their code?

Does the video demonstration show an actual working application (not a mockup) and how a user will interact with the solution? Does the demo show how the solution makes effective and appropriate use of the features of the chosen Google technology or platform? (5 POINTS)

Can the solution, in its current form or minor structural changes, support more users and increased scale? (5 POINTS)



  • Kaitesi Lisa



  • Joel Matovu

    GDSC Mentor Cavendish University | GDG Co-organizer

  • Jeremy Stewart Anecho

    GDSC Lead Ndejje University




GDSC Cavendish University logo

GDSC Cavendish University


  • Muwanguzi Solomon

    GDSC Lead

  • Vanessa Lubang

    Partnerships and Mentorship Role

  • Mayanja Abdul


    Co Lead

  • Ivan Oketcho

    Events Coordinator

  • Ayiko Andrew

    Machine Learning Lead

  • Jeremy Stewart Anecho

    Ndejje University

    Ex-GDSC Lead

  • Hilary Okuonzi

    Public Relations Lead

  • Nassali Victor

    Finance Lead

  • Aseru Kevin Ziyada

    Design Lead


    Marketing and Communications Lead

  • isaac ssemugenyi

    Flyhub Uganda Limited | GDSC Technical Lead (Kampala Campus)

    Flutter Lead

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