Python 入門 - AWS DeepRacer 讀書會前導課程

國立臺灣科技大學 研揚大樓 TR-509, 43 Section 4, Keelung Road, Taipei City, 106335

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology - Taipei, Taiwan

Python 速成課程

Oct 2, 2023, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Machine Learning

About this event

我們收到了一些社員的敲碗,希望可以提供 Python 的基礎課程。

於是,我們決定追加這堂社課,讓大家在未來 DeepRacer 讀書會(以及其他課程)中,不會再有不懂程式的煩惱啦~

想入手 Python 的您,可別錯過這次的機會囉!😉


🔰初級 - 新手向(基礎語法~迴圈、陣列)


Python 的線上開發平台 (

Python 的輸出與字串

Python 的變數

Python 的邏輯判斷 (if)

Python 的迴圈 (while, for) 與流程控制 (continue, break)







這次的 Python 課程完全是為新手所設計,所以如果已經會 Python 的迴圈、陣列等的用法的話,這堂課就不那麼有幫助囉~還請注意一下。🙏


如果您已經報名 AWS DeepRacer 讀書會的話,這堂社課不須額外報名。


--- English Version ---

🐍 Python Tutorial for Beginners - Pre-AWS DeepRacer Study Group Course 🐍

✨ Python crash course ✨

We've received requests from some club members regarding Python basics tutorial.

Therefore, we added this course, hoping that everyone can come to our DeepRacer study group (and other courses) without trouble with coding!

Don't miss out if you want to kickstart your Python skills! 😉

[Course Level]

🔰Easy - For beginners (Basic syntax ~ loops and lists)

[Course Contents]

Online Python IDE (

Outputs and strings in Python

Variables in Python

Logic in Python (if)

Loops (while, for) and flow control (continue, break) in Python

[Course Information]

🗓️ Date: 10/2 (Mon.)

⏰ Time: 19:00~20:30

📍 Location: TR-511 in NTUST (⚠️ No online classroom!)

🔗 Sign up form: ... [報名表請去掉這個欄位]


This Python course is fully meant for beginners, so it may not help as much if you have already known loops and lists in Python.

Since there will be coding sessions in this course, we would suggest you bring a laptop. (Tablets will work, but laptop's better)

If you have already signed up for the AWS DeepRacer study group, then you don't need to sign up for this event in particular.

You are welcomed to send PMs if you have questions!

#gdsc #ntust #gdscntust 


  • 秉諺


    GDSC Lead

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