Microsoft word

Higher national school of biotechnology, Nouvelle ville Cité administrative Ali Mendjeli La Nouvelle Ville, Constantine, 25000

National School of Biotechnology - Constantine, Algeria

We have some exciting news to share! This Thursday, we will be hosting an event with Professor Alloui who will be delivering a session about how to use Microsoft Word for students 🤩

Mar 16, 2023, 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Hey everyone! 😍

We have some exciting news to share! This Thursday, we will be hosting an event with Professor Alloui who will be delivering a session about how to use Microsoft Word for students 🤩

This is a great opportunity to learn some valuable tips and tricks from an expert in the field 😎

Professor Alloui is known for his engaging and interactive teaching style, so you definitely don't want to miss out on this event! ✨️

Whether you're new to Microsoft Word or just looking to improve your skills, this session is perfect for you 😍 so mark your calendars for this Thursday 16th March 2023 at 12:30p.m ⏰️ and join us for an informative and fun event!

Bringing your own PC is mandatory to be eligible for this event 💻  as you may already know, this event is centered around a hands-on workshop where you will learn and practice various skills related to the use of Microsoft word 💙
Register here 👇🏻

مرحبا 🥰🥰🥰

و متواصلون مع الورشات التعليمية المتنوعة و التي استفاد منها الكثير من طلبتنا 👨‍💻 يسعدنا أن نعلن لكم ورشة جديدة  بعنوان "Microsoft Word "،  وهي الفرصة الأنسب لضبط مفاهيم هذا المجال و اتقانه، خاصة وأنها مقدمة من طرف الأستاذ الباحث "طارق علوي" الغني عن التعريف خاصة وأنه قدم ورشات رائعة من قبل إضافة أنه مختص في هذا المجال 😍😎

إن كنت مهتما بالتعلم ما عليك سوى اصطحاب حاسوبك الخاص والتسجيل في الرابط الموجود أعلاه 👆🏻

بانتظاركم يوم 16 مارس على الساعة 12:30 على مستوى المدرسة العليا للبيوتكنولوجيا 📍


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