Jetpack Navigation Component, The Ultimate Guide

Mount Kenya University - Thika, Kenya

Join us for an insightful session on the Jetpack Navigation Component, where we'll dive into the intricacies of this powerful Android library. Navigating through the world of Android app development has never been smoother, thanks to Jetpack Navigation Component.

Mar 12, 5:00 – 7:00 PM

8 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCompose Camp

About this event

ntroduction to Jetpack Navigation Component:

Explore the fundamental concepts and architecture behind Jetpack Navigation Component.

Understand how it simplifies the navigation flow in your Android applications.

Navigation Graphs and Destinations:

Learn how to create and utilize navigation graphs to define the structure of your app.

Dive into the concept of destinations and how they represent different screens or actions in your app.

Safe Args and Deep Linking:

Discover the power of Safe Args for type-safe navigation and passing data between destinations.

Explore how to implement deep linking to enhance user experience and app accessibility.

Transition Animations and UI Patterns:

Delve into the world of smooth transition animations between destinations.

Learn best practices for implementing common UI patterns using Jetpack Navigation Component.


  • Felix Gecheo

    Android Developer


  • Joseph Muchiri

    GDSC Lead

  • Joy Watiri

    GDSC Vice-lead

  • Max Brillant

    Web Development Lead

  • Hamdi Abdirizak

    Cybersecurity lead

  • Nancy Kibara

    Community Engagement Lead

  • Felix Gecheo

    Andemoli Technologies

    Android lead

  • Jimleston Osoi


    ML & AI lead

  • Sanguli Philisiah

    Backend Development Lead

  • Asenath Ngumba

    Social Media Manager

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