Install Tools (Game Track S3)

Modern University for Technology & Information - Cairo, Egypt

Game Development & Design Track

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

نداء لكل الـ gamers التنانين وأي حد نفسه يتعلم مجال الـ Game Development بس مش لاقي الكورس المناسب 🫣

يُسعدنا أن نعلن شراكتنا مع GDSC Al-Azhar وGDSC BIS. ✨

واللي معاهم قدرنا نوفرلكم في رحلة تعلم ال 8 شهور كورس الـ Game design كل اللي عليك هتختار واحد من التراكات اللي اتضافوا جديد وتسجل في الفورم. 👇🏻

game design 2d.

game design 3d.

3d game development.

مع GDSC Academy كل اللي محتاج تتعلمه هنوفرهولك. 😉








#فلنغرسها 🌱

#gdscmti #GDSC_MTI_UNIVERSITY #MultiverseOfTechnology

#GDSCMENA #GoogleDeveloperStudentClubs

#staytuned See less

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


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  • Beshoy Saad

    Google DSC MTI University

    GDSC Lead

  • Ahmed Emad



  • Farah Walid

    Cairo University

    Head of Public Relation

  • habiba telrahman mokhtar

    EELU ainshams

    Head of Graphic Design

  • Malek Ahmed

    Head of Video Editing

  • Ahmed Hossam

    MYM , Control S

    Head of UI/UX

  • carin osama

    Vice Head of UI/UX

  • Eslam Kamal

    Vice Head of Flutter

  • Mahmoud Gamal

    Zarkaa Marketing Egancy

    Head of Marketing

  • Ahmed Huzain


  • Mohannad Nasreldin


  • Viola adel


  • Ahmed Sayed Ismail Mostafa

    Head of Cyber Security

  • Ahmed Elsayed

    Head of Data Science

  • Mariam Mostafa

    Public Relation

  • Omar Ahmed Mahmoud


    Front-End Developer

  • tony saleeb

    Modern university for technology and information (MTI)


  • Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud

    Social Media / Content Writer

  • Jana Walid

    Human Resources

  • Amir Yousry

    GDSC Obour

    UI/UX Designer

  • Eslam Sayed

    Head of Web Development

  • Lourina Emil

    Operation / Human Resources

  • Fatma Saper

    UI/UX Designer

  • Tabark Mohamed


    Operation / Content Writer

  • bishoy khaled

    Vice Head of Operations

  • Ahmed Naseem

    Vice head of Web Development

  • nour Ashraf

    Head of Operations

  • Karem Mahmoud

    Graphic Designer / Photographer

  • aliaa abdelrouf

    Head of Photography

  • Nadia Salah

    UI/UX Designer

  • shams kandil

    Social Media

  • abdallah omar

    Frontend Developer

  • Youssef Essam

    Human Resources

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