ML Study Jam Session[0]

Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, H.No.4-1-1001/1045/878B & 3-2, King Koti Rd, behind Brand Factory, Abids, Hyderabad, 500001

Methodist College of Engineering & Technology - Hyderabad, India

ML Study Jams provides you a roadmap of Machine learning with introducing you into the world of Data science. This gives you an overview of Python, Data visualization, Pandas and many more to help you kickstart your ML learning journey. This will help you gain practical experience to work on real projects and a chance to get certified.

Apr 29, 2022, 8:45 – 10:45 AM

100 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Machine Learning

About this event

Do you know that Netflix saves up $1 billion per year thanks to machine learning?😯 A third of IT leaders want to use ML for business analytics.😲 Machine learning algorithms are taking over the world as we know it, however, are much more subtle ways than sci-fi movies would have us believe. 

🧐 Are you looking for a roadmap for Data Science/ ML? Interested in building a career as a Machine learning engineer but don’t know where to begin?🤔Want to get certified from credible sources like Kaggle?

Don't worry, GDSC MCET has got you covered! We bring to you the first session of ML Study Jams to give you the right foundation to kickstart your ML journey. Attendees would also receive certifications from Kaggle, gain mentorship and avail other valuable opportunities🤩.

⚙️What is ML Study Jam?⚙️

ML Study Jams provides you a roadmap of Machine learning with introducing you into the world of Data science. This gives you an overview of Python, Data visualization, Pandas and many more to help you kickstart your ML learning journey. This will help you gain practical experience to work on real projects and a chance to get certified.


  • Abrar Sharif

    GDSC Lead

  • Syed Saarib Rasheed



  • Gowri Sri Vani

    Mobile Application Development Lead

  • Mohammed Abdul Rahman

    Web development Lead

  • Mohammed Uzair

    AI & ML Lead

  • Mohammed khubaib


    Cloud & DevOps Lead

  • Mohammed Adnan



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