Day 3- Learn the Unreal (AR-VR)

Mehran University of Engineering & Technology - Jamshoro, Pakistan

Everyone uses Snapchat today. Everyone must also have, for once tried the filters and lenses that Snapchat provides. Have you ever thought about how those lenses appear on your face and augment the use of Snapchat even more? These Snapchat lenses are an example of AR (Augmented Reality). Day 3 Agenda: 1. 5G in AR-VR 2. AR-VR in the pandemic.

Apr 9, 2021, 4:00 – 5:15 PM

8 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

👻 Everyone uses Snapchat today. Everyone must also have, for once tried the filters and lenses that Snapchat provides. Have you ever thought about how those lenses appear on your face and augment the use of Snapchat even more? These Snapchat lenses are an example of AR (Augmented Reality). On the other hand, there is another technology called VR (Virtual Reality) that simply makes you think you’re in the world you see through technology glasses and shuts off the physical world experience.

We know about these technologies and what they do, but have you ever thought about how these came into being? Think no further, DSC has planned to take care of all your questions relating to AR/VR, in an event that is arranged on the 7th of April, 2021.

Trust us, you don’t want to miss this knowledge flow, and the experience and exposure you’ll gain after attending this session. Get ready, something big is coming up.

Hope to see you there!


  • Sabbar Hussain


    AR/VR Developer


  • Zohaib Ahmed

    GDSC Lead

  • Mehak Razaullah

    Co-Lead Female

  • Zulfiqar Alam

    Co-Lead Male

  • Muzafar Mahar

    Management Officer

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