Let's Unwind

Maseno University - Kisumu, Kenya

Let's Unwind Tech Talk" is a unique and exciting event that brings together tech enthusiasts and industry professionals for an informative and engaging talks, networking, and relaxation. The event is designed to provide a platform for experts to share their insights and experiences on various tech-related topics, while also offering attendees the opportunity to unwind and connect with them.

Feb 17, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

22 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

The "Let's Unwind Tech Talk" event is a unique blend of technology, relaxation, and networking. The event aims to provide a platform for tech enthusiasts and industry professionals to come together and engage in meaningful conversations about the latest tech trends and innovations. The event will feature a series of talks by industry experts, networking sessions, and Q&A sessions.


  • Wendy Ondigo


  • Bruno Oyugo

    MobiFi World


  • Grace Wambui

  • Brenda Mwaura

    GDSC Lead, Taita Taveta University, Kenya

  • Gabriel Otieno

    GDSC Lead

  • Joseph Odipo

    GDSC Lead

  • Vivianne Mogeni

    GDSC Lead


  • Joseph Odipo

    GDSC Lead

  • John Williams

    Maseno University


  • Silas Moracha

    Cyber Security

  • Adienge L.O


    Machine Learning

  • Brandon Odhiambo Wamboga

    Web Development(Backend Developer)

  • Jack Ochieng


    Cloud Computing

  • Celestine Kibor Chepkobil

    Web Development(Front End)

  • Lenah Mbatha

    Maseno university

    Technical Lead

  • Lavender Abigail

    Social Media Lead

  • Clifford Mukosh


    Android Lead

  • Grace Wambui

    Flutter Lead

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