Android Study Jam 3

Developer Student Clubs is a Google Developers program for University students, designed to help them learn mobile and web development skills. A DSC can take many forms - from people interested in Google's developer technology to large gatherings with demos, workshops, and tech talks, to code sprints and hackathons.

Jan 3, 2021, 1:35 – 2:35 PM



Key Themes


About this event

Android Study Jam 3

Ever wondered how Mobile Application works? Think you can build the next Instagram? Worry not, we have got your back!

Android Study Jam is for everyone, from beginners to experienced programmers! And with the latest Android Development practices using Kotlin, we are coming with a brand new series which follows a pre-planned online curriculum set up by Google!

In our Third jam we will be focusing on Recycler View & QnA!

Join us to advance your skills and learn how to build apps!


  • Aditya Joshi


    GDSC Lead

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