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Web Dev Week Day 1: HTML + CSS

Patrick F. Taylor Hall, 3304 South Quad Drive, Baton Rouge, 70803

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge, United States

A foundational workshop on HTML & CSS for understanding web structure and design.

Key Themes


About this event

This workshop provides an introduction to HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), the cornerstone technologies for creating and styling web pages. Participants will receive comprehensive guidance on the basics of webpage development and design principles. The focus will be on practical skill acquisition through structured lessons and exercises. Attendees are expected to gain a clear understanding of how HTML and CSS function in tandem to build the web as we know it. The workshop is suitable for individuals seeking to acquire web development skills for professional development or personal enrichment.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



April 15 – 16, 2024
10:00 PM – 12:00 AM UTC


  • Madeline Yi


    GDSC Lead

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

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