Google for Startups: Investor Pitch Lunch

London School of Economics and Political Science - London, United Kingdom

Pitch Lunch is an opportunity for founders to develop their pitches with investor feedback. Join to learn what investors look for in early-stage pitches and hear from founders in Campus London.

Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Google for Startups has invited some of the UK’s leading VCs and Angel investors as a panel to give feedback on the pitches. You are welcome to connect with them afterwards.

The format will be:


Pitches (5 minutes) followed by feedback (10 minutes)

Please note - all the pitchers for this event have already been selected, but you are welcome to attend as a viewer.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Daniel Seymour

    GDSC Lead

  • Josh Ang

    Head of Technical Events

  • Jacob Schwandt

    Head of Digital Boost Challenge

  • Isabel Mora

    Head of Technical Events

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