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Women & Tech Seminar

Lehman College, Jerome Ave, Bronx, 10468

Lehman College - New York, United States

The Women & Tech Panel represents a significant initiative aimed at recognizing and promoting the increasing opportunities for women in the technology sector. In recent years, women have made remarkable strides, breaking barriers and contributing significantly to the ever-evolving tech landscape. The objectives and structure of the panel emphasize the importance of diversity in the tech industry.

Key Themes

AccessibilityInternational Women's Day (IWD)

About this event


The Women & Tech Panel represents a significant initiative to recognize and promote the increasing opportunities for women in the technology sector. Women have made remarkable strides in recent years, breaking barriers and contributing significantly to the ever-evolving tech landscape. This outlines the objectives and structure of the Panel, emphasizing the importance of diversity in the tech industry.


The technological landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation over the years, and one of the most significant changes is the evolving role of women in this sector. Women's journey in tech is a story of breaking stereotypes, overcoming barriers, and paving the way for a more inclusive future.

The Evolution of Opportunities for Women in Tech

Women were instrumental in developing foundational technologies in the early days of computing, yet their contributions often went unrecognized. Over time, the narrative began to shift. The 1980s saw a peak in women earning computer science degrees, but this trend unfortunately reversed, leading to a significant gender gap in the industry1.

However, recent years have witnessed a resurgence of efforts to close this gap. Initiatives to foster inclusion and diversity have become more prevalent, with leading technology companies implementing inclusive hiring policies and internal training programs. These efforts have increased female representation in development teams and given women leaders greater visibility in ICT2.

The Progress Made in Representation

Statistics reveal that the percentage of women in large tech companies has steadily increased. For instance, one in every four workers at major tech firms like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft is now female. Moreover, Fortune 500 companies with at least three women in leading positions have seen a 66% increase in ROI, highlighting the tangible benefits of gender diversity1.

The Broader Impact of Diversity on Innovation and Problem-Solving

Diversity is not just a metric to be achieved; it's a catalyst for innovation. Research has consistently shown that diverse groups generate more innovative solutions than homogeneous ones. This is because diversity challenges conventional thinking encourages fresh ideas, and promotes creative problem-solving3. It enhances creativity and encourages the search for novel information and perspectives, leading to better decision-making and breakthrough innovations4.

As we look to the future, it's clear that the role of women in tech is not just about representation; it's about leveraging the unique perspectives and skills that women bring to the table. The evolution of opportunities for women in tech is a testament to the broader impact of diversity on innovation and problem-solving, driving the industry forward to new heights of success and discovery. The journey continues, and with each step, we move closer to a world where technology is shaped by the diverse voices of all its creators.

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Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Friday, May 10, 2024
3:00 PM – 8:45 PM UTC


  • isabel pozo

    GDSC Lead

  • Aniedi Udo-Obong

    Regional Leader

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