Build A Breast Cancer Detection Web App

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology - Kumasi, Ghana

This workshop introduces you to a machine learning technique that classifies breast cancer ultrasound data as normal, malignant or benign.

Oct 8, 2021, 10:15 – 10:30 AM

7 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Machine LearningWeb

About this event

In this workshop, you will learn to deploy an image classifier on the web using Streamlit and Heroku. An image classifier is a computer vision algorithm that is able to assign an image to a particular predefined class based on the content of the image file. It is used to enable applications to perform classification and sorting tasks on image data. For this workshop, you will download a simple binary classifier from Google Teachable Machine. 


  • Samuel Osei

    GDSC Lead

  • Elvis Boahen Gyau


  • Jesse Murah

    AI/ML Lead

  • Sharon Yawlui

    Diversity & Inclusion Lead

  • Vince Churchill Ankrah

    Design Lead

  • Senu Seyram Elorm Adzo

    Community Engagement Lead

  • Jude Boachie

    Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

    Cloud Computing Lead

  • Emmanuel Gyimah

    Competitive Coding Lead

  • Fredrick Andoh

    Core Team Member

  • Selorm Nukpezah

    Mobile App Development Lead


    Web Development Lead

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