[Workshop]: Your online store in one day.

King Khalid University, Men campus - Abha, Saudi Arabia

Online workshop to build Online store with simple tools.

Apr 9, 2023, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

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About this event

Workshop by member from our club to, in this workshop we talked about how can we build online store with simple tools in three hours with practical applying in same session.

Points : 

  • what is E-Commerce?
  • steps to founding online store.
  • tools to support in founding online stores.
  • try to build online store by using Zid and Salla.


  • Abdulhady AlNashe

    King Khalid University

    GDSC Lead

  • Raghad Al Ghanim

    Adminstration's team leader

  • Shihanah Alqahtani

    Content Writer

  • Albatool Alqahtani

    Adminstration Member

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