Android Study Jam - Session 5

Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology - Bhubaneswar, India

Android Study Jams are community events where developers come together to learn, create, and collaborate. Learn to collaborate and create awesome Android apps using Kotlin.

Key Themes


About this event

Jetpack is a suite of libraries to help with Modern Application Development and reduce boilerplate code. Using modern design practices, Jetpack libraries enable fewer crashes and memory leaks.
• Modern app architecture 🏗
• Fast Development ⚡️
• Get started using Jetpack 🎒

Android Fragment is part of an activity. Fragments represent multiple screens inside one activity.

Android Navigation component is here to take care of the in-app navigation, data passing, navigation drawer creation, and other cool stuff.

Also, we are in collaboration with KIIT Hack Club for this event and towards the end of the event, our facilitator will be making some announcements regarding the next phase of ASJ

KIIT Hack Club:
YouTube | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Rishav Chanda


  • Satyajit Mishra


    Android lead


  • Komal Tiwari

    GDSC Lead

  • Harshil Gupta



  • Diya Das

    Technical/Content Writer Lead

  • Ajay Khatri Chhetri


    Design Lead

  • Prajukta Dey

    ML/AI Lead

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