Kabale University - Kabale, Uganda

Our lives increasingly depend on digital services, which makes the internet an attractive target for criminals, so having a better understanding of cyber security threats is vital.

Apr 23, 2023, 1:00 – 3:00 PM

15 RSVP'd


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About this event

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security is a discipline that covers how to defend devices and services from electronic attacks by nefarious actors such as hackers, spammers, and cybercriminals. While some components of cyber security are designed to strike first, most of today's professionals focus more on determining the best way to defend all assets, from computers and smartphones to networks and databases, from attacks.

Cyber security has been used as a catch-all term in the media to describe the process of protection against every form of cybercrime, from identity theft to international digital weapons. These labels are valid, but they fail to capture the true nature of cyber security for those without a computer science degree or experience in the digital industry.

Cisco Systems, the tech conglomerate specializing in networking, the cloud, and security, defines cyber security as “…the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users; or interrupting normal business processes.

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

In today’s digital world, one cannot ignore cybersecurity. One single security breach can lead to exposing the personal information of millions of people. These breaches have a strong financial impact on the companies and also loss of the trust of customers. Hence, cyber security is very essential to protect businesses and individuals from spammers and cyber criminals.

The Scale of the Cyber Security Threat

According to Forbes, 2022 will present us with a pack of diverse and terrifying cyber security challenges, everything from supply chain disruption to increased smart device risks to a continued cyber security talent drought.

According to Cybercrime Magazine, cybercrime will cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025! Furthermore, global cybercrime costs are predicted to rise by almost 15 percent yearly over the next four years.

Concepts such as the pandemic, cryptocurrency, and the rise in remote working are coming together to create a target-rich environment for criminals to take advantage of.

How Does Cyber Security Work? The Challenges of Cyber Security

Cyber security encompasses technologies, processes, and methods to defend computer systems, data, and networks from attacks. To best answer the question “what is cyber security” and how cyber security works, we must divide it into a series of subdomains:

Application Security

Application security covers the implementation of different defenses in an organization’s software and services against a diverse range of threats. This sub-domain requires cyber security experts to write secure code, design secure application architectures, implement robust data input validation, and more, to minimize the chance of unauthorized access or modification of application resources.

Cloud Security

Cloud security relates to creating secure cloud architectures and applications for companies that use cloud service providers like Amazon Web Services, Google, Azure, Rackspace, etc.

Identity Management and Data Security

This subdomain covers activities, frameworks, and processes that enable authorization and authentication of legitimate individuals to an organization’s information systems. These measures involve implementing powerful information storage mechanisms that secure the data, whether in transition or residing on a server or computer. In addition, this sub-domain makes greater use of authentication protocols, whether two-factor or multi-factor.

Mobile Security

Mobile security is a big deal today as more people rely on mobile devices. This subdomain protects organizational and personal information stored on mobile devices like tablets, cell phones, and laptops from different threats like unauthorized access, device loss or theft, malware, viruses, etc. In addition, mobile security employs authentication and education to help amplify security.

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Network Security

Network security covers hardware and software mechanisms that protect the network and infrastructure from disruptions, unauthorized access, and other abuses. Effective network security protects organizational assets against a wide range of threats from within or outside the organization.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning

Not all threats are human-based. The DR BC subdomain covers processes, alerts, monitoring, and plans designed to help organizations prepare for keeping their business-critical systems running during and after any sort of incident (massive power outages, fires, natural disasters), and resuming and recovering lost operations and systems in the incident’s aftermath.

User Education

Knowledge is power, and staff awareness of cyber threats is valuable in the cyber security puzzle. Giving business staff training on the fundamentals of computer security is critical in raising awareness about industry best practices, organizational procedures and policies, monitoring, and reporting suspicious, malicious activities. This subdomain covers cyber security-related classes, programs, and certifications.

Cyber Safety Tips

Here is a list of top cybersecurity tips to implement is given below:

Keep software up-to-date

Avoid opening suspicious emails

Use Antivirus and Antimalware software on the electronic devices

Use a security file-sharing solution to encrypt data.

Use strong passwords

Backup your data

Be cautious of phishing scams

Use password manager

Use two-factor authentication

Don’t reuse passwords



Sunday, April 23, 2023
1:00 PM – 3:00 PM UTC


  • Phillip Ssempeebwa

    Kabale University

    GDSC Lead

  • Kasozi Denis


  • Desire Desire

    Technical Co-Lead

  • Patrick Kaweesi

    Kabale university

    Events Planning Lead


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  • Hassan Zaba

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  • Ayebale Allen

    Year Three Representative

  • nsubuga joel

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  • Tinah Nakitende

    Year One Representative

  • Saluwa Nantambi

    Kabaale university

    Publicity Manager

  • Bagonza Kiiza florence

    Community Coordinator

  • Ayakira Anitah

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  • Judith Nambuusi


  • Simon Peter Makobi

    IndabaX AI Club President

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