K S School of Engineering and Management - Bengaluru, India
Android Study Jams are here! DSC KSSEM is glad to bring it to you. Learn the Android fundamentals with Kotlin in this study jam. Hurry up and RSVP Now, if you haven't registered for the event sign up here. https://forms.gle/ojUDAjVPjEyten6AA Hope to see you there
DSC KSSEM presents Android Study Jam
Become an Android Developer using Kotlin programming language with the help of a curriculum provided by Google. A much needed skill in today's world of developing Android Apps.
The Event Covers:
•What are Android Study Jams.
•Which Track is best for you.
•How to Proceed after choosing your desired Track.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM UTC
Track 2 |
Track 2 |
Data Analyst
Data Analyst
Data Analyst
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