Intro to Git and GitHub | JWoC

Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College - Jalpaiguri, India

Get to know the basics of Git and GitHub and start contributing to open-source!

Feb 5, 2023, 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM

158 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentFlutterWeb

About this event

Git & Github in the technical world are synonyms for *teamwork* and *collaboration* . Whether it's a small personal project or any professional work, Git is used everywhere.

Join us on 5th February at 5:00 PM to understand what Git is, how we use a version control system and the basics of Github. With this you'll be able to Kickstart any open-source event or contest !


  • Shreya Sarkar


    GDSC Lead

  • Sayan Majumder

    Web Dev Lead

  • Atri Sukul

    AI ML Lead

  • Dhiraj Thakur

    Management Lead

  • Abhigyan Prakash Singh

    Flutter App Dev Lead

  • Zaid Mahmud

    Android App Dev Lead

  • Arjun Choudhury

    Web Dev Lead

  • Akash Mondal

    CP and DSA Lead

  • Sanket Chowdhury


    Content Writer Lead

  • Arkamitra Ghosh

    Graphics and Design Lead

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