Intro To Cyber Security

Wardaniyeh, Islamic university of lebanon, Wardaniyeh, 2038

Islamic University of Lebanon - Beirut, Lebanon

Step into the world of cybersecurity at our on-campus session! Explore the fundamentals of cyber defense and its vital applications in our everyday lives. Don't miss this chance to enhance your digital security awareness. Join us to safeguard the future!

Nov 1, 2023, 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM

28 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event

Step into the world of cybersecurity at our on-campus session! Explore the fundamentals of cyber defense and its vital applications in our everyday lives. Don't miss this chance to enhance your digital security awareness. Join us to safeguard the future! 



Wednesday, November 1, 2023
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM UTC


  • Karine Ayash

    Cyber Security Track Leader


  • Mohammad Ali Alaawar

    Islamic University of Lebanon

    GDSC Lead

  • hadi zaiter


    Co-Leader of GDSC Borouj Branch

  • Saja Msheik

    Wardanieh Branch Co-Leader

  • Zeinab Mohsen

    Iul student

    Tyre Branch Co-Leader

  • Hadi Tarhini

    Islamic University of Lebanon

    Web Dev Track Leader

  • Karine Ayash

    Cyber Security Track Leader

  • Jawad Alhajj

    Web Dev Track Leader

  • Hadi Fares

    Islamic University of Lebanon

    AI Track Leader

  • Hussein Sawan

    Islamic University of Lebanon

    App dev track Leader

  • Ali Abu melhem

    Faculty Advisor

  • Mohammad Hashem

    CoreTeam member

  • Diala Makke

    CoreTeam Member

  • Daniel Traboulsi

    CoreTeam Member

  • Razan Moussa

    CoreTeam Member

  • Zahraa Jezzini

    CoreTeam Member

  • Asa Kanaan

    CoreTeam Member

  • dina houmani

    CoreTeam Member

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