TechnoHack (KICT VS KoE) Invitational

Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT), 53100, Selangor Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT), Kuala Lumpur, 53100

International Islamic University Malaysia - Selangor, Malaysia

In partnership with Motion U and IEEE, GDSC IIUM has co hosted its first on campus invitation only hackathon!

Dec 30, 2023, 2:00 AM – Dec 31, 2023, 3:00 AM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career DevelopmentOpen Source

About this event

This is a hackathon to set a standard of expectations for the students of IIUM. This hackathon is to being held as a competition between the Kulliyah of Infomation Communication Technology and the Kulliyah of Engineering at the International Islamic University of Malaysia.


  • Abdulmalik Mohamed Hadi Habaebi

    GDSC Lead

  • Nur Fatihah binti Abdullah

    Google Developer Student Clubs (GDSC) IIUM

    Co Lead

  • Elyas Asmad

    Krypton Technologies

    Mobile Applications Development Lead

  • Ainul Mardhiah

    Mobile Applications Development Co Lead

  • Fikri Hisham-muddin


    Web Development Lead

  • Ibrahim Badr

    Web Development Co Lead

  • Ghozi Fikri Robbani

    Cybersecurity Lead

  • Md Jobayer Al Hasan

    Marketing Lead

  • Miraz Imtenan

    Marketing Co Lead

  • Mohammed Ismail Chowdhury Sohan

    Marketing Core Team

  • Luqman Malik

    UI/UX Lead

  • Nabilah Hakim

    UI/UX Co Lead

  • Tengku Abduh

    Communication Lead

  • Hidayah Zainuddin

    Entrepreneurship Lead

  • aiyani shafudin

    Entrepreneurship Core Team

  • nazihah shafudin

    Entrepreneurship Core Team

  • Suraya Aini

    ML/AI Lead

  • Imtiyaz Suhaimi

    ML/AI Co Lead

  • Aiman Johari

    ML/AI Core Team

  • Naufal Taib Iskandar

    Multimedia Lead

  • Shaza Shamsul

    UI/UX Team Member

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