Android Study Jams - Session 3: How to look for ideas

This will be the 3rd session in the Android Study Jams event series. This session will focus on how to look for ideas and start building a project in a time-limited environment. This session will be taken by Vijay Jaisankar, a 3rd year iM.Tech. student at IIIT Bangalore.

Jan 5, 2022, 1:30 – 2:30 PM



Key Themes

AndroidSolution Challenge

About this event

This will be the 3rd session in the Android Study Jams event series. This session will focus on how to look for ideas and start building a project in a time-limited environment. 

This session will be taken by Vijay Jaisankar, a 3rd year iM.Tech. student at IIIT Bangalore. He has participated and won at many hackathons, some of which are Hack-cade and Tidy The Hack Up (both organized by MLH). He is an organiser at TEDxIIITBangalore and backend developer at EHRC, IIITB. 

After the approx. 30 minute session, participants must discuss their application ideas with everyone, to get an idea of what others are building and to collect feedback and suggestions on their ideas.


  • Vijay Jaisankar


  • Monjoy Choudhury

    GDSC IIIT Bangalore



  • Heet Vasani

    GDSC Lead

  • Ansh Avi Khanna

    Design Lead

  • Sankalp Kothari

    Outreach Lead

  • Kadaru Jashwanth Reddy

    Video Editing Lead

  • Vidhish Trivedi

    Wed Dev Lead

  • Vikas Kalyanapuram

    Mobile Dev Lead

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