Empowering Change Through Innovation: The Solution Challenge Journey

Embark on a journey of innovation with the Solution Challenge! Register to join, form teams, and create transformative solutions for real-world challenges. Engage with diverse talents, showcase your skills, and compete for exciting prizes. This is your chance to make a significant impact and be part of a community driving positive change. Don't miss the opportunity to turn your ideas into reality!

Jan 8, 2:30 – 4:00 PM



Key Themes

Solution Challenge

About this event

The Solution Challenge invites visionaries and problem-solvers to embark on an inspiring journey of innovation and impact. In a world marked by dynamic challenges, this initiative provides a platform for individuals to contribute their unique skills and creativity towards crafting transformative solutions that address pressing global issues.

Registration for the Solution Challenge is now open, beckoning innovators from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to join forces. This collaborative event is an opportunity to form teams, bringing together a spectrum of talents, perspectives, and expertise. The power of collective thinking is harnessed to tackle challenges that span various domains, from technology and sustainability to healthcare and beyond.

The beauty of the Solution Challenge lies not only in the chance to make a tangible impact but also in the personal and professional growth it promises to participants. As registrants delve into the challenge, they have the opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technologies, learn from fellow team members, and refine their problem-solving skills. This collaborative atmosphere fosters an environment where ideas can flourish and individuals can push the boundaries of their own capabilities.

The heart of the Challenge lies in the selection of a specific problem or challenge that resonates with each participant. The curated list encompasses a diverse array of issues, allowing individuals to align their passion and expertise with a cause that speaks to them. Whether it's enhancing accessibility, promoting environmental sustainability, or revolutionizing healthcare, participants are encouraged to choose a challenge that ignites their commitment to positive change.

Once teams are formed and challenges are selected, participants are empowered to dive into the creative process of solution development. This phase is marked by ideation, collaboration, and the synthesis of diverse perspectives. As solutions take shape, participants are not only addressing the defined challenges but also contributing to a broader narrative of innovation and progress.

Submission of solutions marks a crucial milestone in the Solution Challenge timeline. The culmination of hard work, creativity, and dedication is presented to a panel of judges who evaluate each entry based on its feasibility, impact, and innovation. The judging period is a testament to the rigorous standards set by the Challenge, ensuring that winning solutions are not only groundbreaking but also capable of making a tangible difference in the real world.

While the competitive aspect of the Challenge adds excitement, it's important to highlight that every participant is a winner in the broader sense. The knowledge gained, the connections forged, and the skills honed during the Challenge contribute to the personal and professional development of each individual involved.

The Solution Challenge is not just an event; it's a movement towards positive change. It's a call to action for individuals who believe in the transformative power of innovation. The ripple effect of these efforts extends beyond the Challenge itself, influencing industries, communities, and the world at large.

In conclusion, the Solution Challenge is an invitation to dream big, think bold, and act decisively. It's a canvas where innovation meets impact, and individuals from all walks of life come together to contribute to a brighter and more sustainable future. If you're ready to be part of this transformative journey, register now and join the Solution Challenge community. Your ideas, skills, and passion can be the catalyst for change that the world needs. #SolutionChallenge 🚀


  • Ishita Kapoor

    Top 100 Finalist Google Solution Challenge 2023

  • Surbhi Tiwari

    Organizer & Host


  • Shradha Gurjar

    GDSC Lead

  • Aazam Khan

    Social Lead

  • Yash Pathak

    Tech Lead

  • shreshtha kinger

    Management Lead

  • Surbhi Tiwari

    Public Relation Lead

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