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UI/UX and Web Development: Understanding UI/UX and Web Design

Jakarta Barat, Duri Cosambi, Jakarta Barat, 11750

Institut Teknologi PLN - Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

This study jam introduces beginners to the basics of UI/UX and web design. Participants will learn core principles, create user-friendly websites, and explore essential web development tools. By the end, they'll have the foundational knowledge to start their journey in software development.

Key Themes

UI / UXWeb

About this event

**Event Title:** UI/UX and Web Development Study Jam: Unveiling the Secrets of Web Design


Dive into the world of UI/UX and web development in our immersive Study Jam! Whether you're a novice or just curious about web design, this event is your gateway to understanding the essentials. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind captivating user interfaces and seamless web experiences. Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, you'll gain insights into the principles of UI/UX design, master the basics of web development, and discover the tools that shape the digital landscape. Don't miss out on this opportunity to kickstart your journey into the exciting realm of software development!

**Event Benefits:**

1. **Comprehensive Learning:** Obtain a solid grasp of fundamental concepts in UI/UX and web design, providing a robust foundation for further exploration and skill development.

2. **Interactive Engagement:** Participate in hands-on activities and practical exercises designed to deepen your understanding and application of key principles, ensuring a more immersive and effective learning experience.

3. **Skill Enhancement:** Develop essential skills essential in UI/UX design and web development through guided instruction and real-world practice, equipping you with valuable capabilities that are highly sought after in the software development industry.

4. **Networking Opportunities:** Connect with peers who share your interests and aspirations, as well as industry professionals who can provide insights, guidance, and potential career opportunities, fostering valuable relationships and expanding your professional network.

5. **Career Advancement:** Strengthen your profile and increase your competitiveness in the job market by acquiring in-demand skills and knowledge in UI/UX and web development, positioning yourself as a qualified candidate for a wide range of roles within the software development field.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.



Saturday, June 8, 2024
6:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC


  • Ramadhani Putra Difa Pratama

    Technical Support Engineer at PLN Icon Plus

  • Ardana Aldhizuma Nugraha

    Web Enthusiast


  • Bulan Fahada

    Lead GDSC at IT PLN

  • Arifina Resyuanti

    Data Enthusiast

  • Kashrina Masyid

  • Muhammad Hasan Basri

    Mobile Dev Enthusiast

  • Althof Zjian Putra Viandhi

    Mobile Dev Enthusiast


  • Bulan Fahada

    GDSC Lead

  • Ardana Aldhizuma Nugraha

    Web Programming

  • Rafi Nandyka Putra

    Institut Teknologi PLN


  • Haya Q Luthfiyaningsih

    Public Relation and Sponsorship

  • Althof Zijan Putra Viandhi

    Mobile Development

  • Kashrina Masyid Azka

    Machine Learning

  • Arifina Resyuanti

    Machine Learning

  • Ramadhani Putra DP


  • Muhammad Hasan Basri

    Web3 Developer | Blockhain

    Mobile Developer

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