Keras CV and Keras NLP

Institut Supérieur de l'Informatique du Kef - El Kef, Tunisia

We are excited to invite you to an enriching session on Keras Computer Vision (CV) and Keras Natural Language Processing (NLP) hosted by our esteemed Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) ISI Kef. Join us for an engaging exploration into the world of deep learning,

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentExplore MLGeminiML Study JamMachine LearningSolution ChallengeTensorFlow / Keras

About this event

We are excited to invite you to an enriching session on Keras Computer Vision (CV) and Keras Natural Language Processing (NLP) hosted by our esteemed Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) ISI Kef. Join us for an engaging exploration into the world of deep learning, where we will delve into cutting-edge techniques and applications in both computer vision and natural language processing.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Imen Masmoudi


    GDSC Mentor


  • Hamdi Belhadj

    Google Developer Student Clubs - isi kef

    GDSC Lead


  • Hamdi Belhaj


    GDSC Lead

  • Balsem Zehi

    HR Manager

  • Isra Chalbi

    Media Management Lead

  • Jbeli Med Aziz

    Media Management Co-Lead

  • Mohammed Mahdi Trabelsi

    Web Development Lead

  • ayadi yassine

    Web Development Co-lead

  • Amen Jraidi


    Web 3 Lead

  • Mohamed Mensi

    Cybersecurity Lead

  • Fatma Boughanmi

    Sponsoring Lead

  • I am Ghassen

    Cybersecurity Co-Lead

  • Ranim Abidi

    Google Developer Student Clubs - isi kef


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