Getting Started with Open-Source

Indian Institute of Information Technology - Kalyani, India

With the onset of two new batches of students in the college, and while Google Developer Student Club at IIIT Kalyani hosts its second installment of this open source event called Winter of Code, we thought it'd be nice to give the freshers a quick insight into what actually do we mean when we talk about Open Source. Attend the event, build your first portfolio website and take back prizes!!!

Dec 26, 2021, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

76 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentFirebaseFlutterGoogle CloudMachine LearningUI / UXWeb

About this event

With the onset of two new batches of students in the college, and while Google Developer Student Club at IIIT Kalyani hosts its second installment of this open source event called Winter of Code, we thought it'd be nice to give the freshers a quick insight into what actually do we mean when we talk about Open Source. But before you hop in, a little homework from you so you do not feel lost or baffled when we mention stuff during the event.

* Watch this video about Git and GitHub: and show some love :))
* Read a tad bit about Google Summer of Code
* Try installing Git by watching any tutorial you like on YouTube (suggestion: . For any doubts regarding the same, ping on any channel in the GDSC server and we'll help you out. If you don't have the link to the GDSC discord - ask for it.

And with that done you should be good enough to come and understand what we talk to you about and why is it important for the next 4 years. After the quick insight into open source, you will also be taught how to make your portfolio website in a way so simple, you will need absolutely "no coding experience" for it, given you come prepared with the 3 things we asked you to do above. Now the fun part:
- we'll give you a week to work on your portfolio site, so you need not worry about being the fastest
- on new year's we will announce the top 4 most appealing portfolio websites and they'll receive prizes from GitHub and Geeks4Geeks!!!

Lastly, there are limited slots to the event, so you might wanna hurry up and RSVP!


  • Oindrila Das

    GDSC Lead

  • Subroto Banerjee

    Web Dev Lead


    App Dev Lead


    AI/ML Lead


    Creative Lead


    Robotics/IoT Lead


    Media and Outreach Lead

  • Tamaghna Choudhuri

    Management Lead

  • Bhaskar Metiya

    Technical Manager

  • Riyansh Jain

    Management Lead

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