How to choose the right programming language?

Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Women - Damman, Saudi Arabia

Learn how to choose the best programming language to build your own project in very efficient way

Jan 24, 2021, 5:00 – 7:00 PM

4 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentFlutterMachine LearningWeb

About this event

Have you ever wondered what is the suitable programming language when implementing your projects? Are you lost trying to seek the ultimate knowledge? Well, this workshop is the right source for you, as we will clear up all points regarding this topic and help you find all answers to your questions. Moreover, we will explain some fundamentals of programming, as well as illustrate common scenarios and how to evaluate them. By the end of this workshop, all members will have the chance to cooperate and exchange their knowledge on social media platforms.


  • Mohammad Adnan

    Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

    DSC Member

  • Basheer Arab

    Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

    DSC Member

  • Rana AlShedayed

    Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

    DSC member


  • Rahaf Alghamdi


    GDSC Lead

  • Abdullah Almubarak


    GDSC Lead M

  • Hassan Alzayer


    Head of Activities Committee

  • Fatimah Alaliwat


    Vice Head of Activities Committee

  • Anfal Bamardouf

    Head of Media Committee

  • Lujain Alshubini

    Vice Head of Media Committee

  • Radwan Albahrani

    Head of Development Committee

  • Ryam Malki

    Vice Head of Development committee

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    Head of Publication Committee

  • Hawra Alsedrah

    Vice Head of Publication Committee

  • Haneen Al-Ghzaly


    Responsible for monitoring the GDCS Bevy

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    Public Relations Responsible

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