Introduction to APIs and Django backend Systems

Introduction to APIs and Django Backend Systems Welcome to the introduction to APIs and Django backend systems! In this session, we will explore the world of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and how they are leveraged in Django, a powerful and popular Python web framework for building robust backend systems. APIs play a vital role in modern web development. Let's dive in!

Feb 21, 6:00 – 7:00 PM



Key Themes

Career DevelopmentWeb

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Introduction to APIs and Django Backend Systems

Welcome to the introduction to APIs and Django backend systems! In this session, we will explore the world of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and how they are leveraged in Django, a powerful and popular Python web framework for building robust backend systems. APIs play a vital role in modern web development, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different software applications.

First, let's understand what an API is. An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a set of rules and protocols that allows different software applications to interact with each other. It serves as a bridge that enables communication, data retrieval, and functionality sharing between various systems, whether they are web-based, mobile, or desktop applications.

APIs are commonly used in web development to connect frontend interfaces with backend systems. They provide a standardized way for developers to access and manipulate data, perform actions, and retrieve information from a server or database. By implementing APIs in web applications, developers can create more dynamic, interactive, and scalable systems.

Django, on the other hand, is a high-level Python web framework that simplifies the process of building web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and provides a robust set of tools and libraries for rapid development. Django is renowned for its versatility, scalability, and emphasis on clean, reusable code.

In the context of backend systems, Django shines as a reliable framework for building APIs. It provides built-in features and libraries, such as Django REST Framework (DRF), that greatly simplify the creation of RESTful APIs. REST (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style that uses HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to perform operations on resources, making it a popular choice for building APIs.

During this session, we will delve into the fundamentals of API development using Django and explore how to create endpoints, handle requests and responses, perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), and implement authentication and authorization mechanisms. We will also touch upon advanced topics such as versioning, pagination, rate limiting, and testing.

By the end of this session, you will have gained a solid understanding of the role of APIs in modern web development and how Django can be utilized to build robust backend systems. You will have the necessary knowledge to start building your own APIs, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between frontend and backend components.

So, let's dive into the world of APIs and Django backend systems and unlock the power of building scalable, efficient, and interconnected web applications.


  • Lontsi Kenmene Alex Anderson

    ICT University

    GDSC backend lead

  • Amadine Lenyonga

    ICT University

    GDSC Backend co lead


  • Danwe Pele

    GDSC Lead


    Fage Enterprises



    Mobile App Lead


    Backend Lead


    Frontend Lead

  • Kamdem William

    Web Dev Lead

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