Begin With Kotlin | Introduction to Kotlin - Session 2 Of Kotlin Compose Camp 2022 | ICCSCEM

ICCS College of Engineering and Management - Thrissur, India

Beginner level track on Kotlin Where the audience will get an introduction to Kotlin programming we assume that the participants are of no previous programming experience and new to any programming language .The Session is First part of Kotlin Workshop where Some of Hands on codding will also been done .

Oct 7, 2022, 2:00 – 4:00 PM

51 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCompose Camp

About this event

Hi Everyone,
A Journey Consist of Millions of steps.. As Some one said Life is all about a marathon where we run at a consistent speed maintaining the momentum and reach the destination. As Like in Kotlin -Compose Camp 2022 We believe that we should run a marathon of a long distance keeping small small distance in pace. 

In The Journey Here comes the first show, The Introduction Session To the Kotlin, Where you will learn what and how to use this , The Session is designed in such a way that the audience with Zero programming experience will be able to grab the content 

In the Session we are making a small introduction to Kotlin programming along with a small hands on experience in codding .By the end of the session we expect you guys will have an idea of Kotlin programming and will be able to go further with it

This session is going to be a foundation stone for the entire course you see in the camp

Core Commitee
Google Developer Student Clubs
ICCS College of Engineering and Management Thrissur



Friday, October 7, 2022
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM UTC


Kotlin Programming Workshop Series


  • Aravind Kumar

    GDSC Lead

  • Adith S

    Event Management Lead

  • Akshay C R

    Technical Lead

  • Sanjai Krishna


    Public Relations Lead

  • Toms John

    Plus IT Park, Thrissur

    Media Lead

  • Sayooj c.s

    Documentation Lead

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