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GDSC Europe Info Session 2023 ( Co-Host )

Harokopio University of Athens - Kallithea, Greece

This is an exclusive event organised from the google team responsible for the project. The main goal of this event is to introduce students to the GDSC. They will learn more about the program, meet our team, and have a chance to interact with some of our current Leads.

Key Themes

Career DevelopmentGoogle Assistant

About this event

This is an exclusive event organised from the google team responsible for the project. The main goal of this event is to introduce students to the GDSC. They will learn more about the program, meet our team, and have a chance to interact with some of our current Leads. The event will be held in order for members. but not only, to get a better glance of what goes into running a club, keeping alive such a community and also how someone may create a new club and grow the community.

Registration for this event is closed.
Please contact the event organizer for assistance.


  • Angelika Zaucha


    Community Manager

  • Laura Cincera


    European Program Manager,

  • Erica Hanson


    Global DSC Program Lead

  • Jacquelyn Bedard


    GDSC Project Manager

  • Julia Ziółkowska

    GDSC Project Manager


  • Thanos Apostolidis

    GDSC Lead

  • Emmanouil Maragkoudakis

    Core Team Member

  • Georgios Kourounis

    Core Team Member

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