Android Study Jam 2

Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering - Visakhapatnam, India

In the second Study Jam, diving deeper into the components and layout, understanding and building UI

Jan 8, 2021, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

22 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

DSC GVPCE brings you another interesting event on Android Development. During the course, you will get a general overview of mobile development for Android, learn basic programming concepts as well as core vocabulary and concepts in Android, get hands-on experience building a small app using the Kotlin language, and understand what opportunities exist for you in the vibrant tech scene as an Android programmer.

In our second Study Jam, lets learn building UI

Here is what you can expect in our Jam-2 :

1.  What is UI?

2. What and why: Views, View groups ?

3. What's in markup languages, XML? - Quick Refresher

4. Different Layouts in Android, their behaviors.

5. Learn about TextView , EditText, ImageView

6. Learn about Button, Radio, CheckButton

7. How code in Kotlin and XML renders UI ?

8. Dynamically changing content in views!

9. Intro to iteration of views!

10. Spoilers for next JAM!


  • Surya Chandra Pavan Adurti

    Android Study Jam Facilitator


  • Sahithi Gurlinka

    GDSC Lead

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