Android Study Jam Session - II

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College - Bidar, India

Become an Android Developer. Learn how to build Android apps in Kotlin by following an online curriculum together with a study group. This program is for people who are new to Android.

Jan 23, 2021, 11:33 AM – 2:33 PM

0 RSVP'd


Key Themes

AndroidCareer DevelopmentUI / UX

About this event

Android Study Jams are community-organized study groups for people to learn how to build Android apps in the Kotlin programming language, using the curriculum provided by Google. There are two tracks available:

New to Programming Track - for people who are new to programming, follow the Android Basics in Kotlin course.

Prior Programming Experience Track - for people who already have programming experience, follows the Android Kotlin Fundamentals course. Also includes a pre-work section using Kotlin Koans from JetBrains for those who are new to Kotlin.

We will be going through the New to Programming track which requires Zero Coding Experience.

The Program has five-units with the first 2 being

Unit 1: Kotlin basics for Android

In which you take your first steps programming in Kotlin, add images and text to your Android apps, and learn how to use classes, objects, and conditionals to create an interactive app for your users.

Unit 2: Layouts

Where you learn to improve the user interface of your app by learning about layouts, Material Design guidelines, and best practices for UI development.

More will be added later

The android study jam sessions will be held according to the college schedule. It started on 5th December as the first session and its second session.

The Android Study Jam will be mainly facilitated by Sidramappa and Prabhakar 


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    Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College

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    Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Bidar

    Associate Social Media Lead

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    Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Bidar

    Associate Design Lead

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    Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College ,Bidar

    Associate Design and Content Lead

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