Future-Proofing Your Career: The Skills of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship

Universitas Gunadarma - Depok City, Indonesia

GDSC UG has held a Career and Softskill Weekly Class, where we learned about the fundamental concept of creating a well-written CV and what it takes to build an MVP and your first product. Career and Sotfkill Tech Talk event will help you determine what fields to choose between Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship according to your preferences.

Jul 23, 2022, 2:45 – 5:30 AM

56 RSVP'd


Key Themes

Career Development

About this event


GDSC UG has held a Career and Softskill Weekly Class, where we learned about the fundamental concept of creating a well-written CV and what it takes to build an MVP and your first product. Career and Sotfkill Tech Talk event will help you determine what fields to choose between Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship according to your preferences.

As we all know, Entrepreneurship is the act of starting a new business or venture where leadership skills and the ability to take risks are necessary. Intrapreneurship, on the other hand, is when an employee needs to have strong communication skills and work with people in different departments within their company.

In this tech talk, we will explore all the skills needed and learn how they can help you succeed in your career. We will discuss what it means to be an entrepreneur or intrapreneur and how to prepare for a future where employee success is measured by more than just KPIs. The good news is that it can be learned through self-education, experience, mentorship, and our Career and Softkill Tech Talk.

"Future-Proofing Your Career: The Skills of Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship"

Collaborating with the expert:

  1. Habibul Fuadi Hanif, Business Analyst at Big4 Consulting Firms
  2. Mario Vega, Innovation Project Manager at ula

🗓️Date: Saturday, 23 July 2022

🔉Time: 09.30 – 12.30 (WIB).

🔉Platform: Zoom Cloud Meeting.

Register now as a ticket for Zoom Meeting links, E-Certificate, and a chance to get a free CV assessment/review! Prepare your CV, and don't miss out!

Stay tuned for more information by turning on post notifications to get our latest updates! See you at the event!

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Together We Grow! <>

Google Developer Student Clubs Universitas Gunadarma



Saturday, July 23, 2022
2:45 AM – 5:30 AM UTC


Opening Screen
Indonesia Raya
Mars Gunadarma
Chief Executive Report
Opening Speech: Lead GDSC UG Year 2021-2022
Opening Speech: Vice Chancellor III of Universitas Gunadarma
Topic 1: Accelerate Your Potential for Your Bright Future Career
QnA Session for Topic 1
Swara Dharmagita Choir Performance
Topic 2: Ideation and MVP Planning Strategies
QnA Session for Topic 2
Closing Remarks
Symbolic Presentation of Plaques/ E-Certificate


  • Mario Vega


    Innovation Project Manager

  • Habibul Fuadi Hanif

    Big4 Consulting Firms

    Business Analyst


  • Affa Alfiandy

    GDSC Lead

  • Hilmi Reza Muhammad

    Machine Learning Supervisor

  • Muhammad Raqwan Kauthar

    Gunadarma University

    Machine Learning

  • Faishal Zufari

    Gunadarma University

    Web Development Supervisor

  • Nurhuda Joantama Putra

    Web Development

  • Aisyah Mukti Pratiwi

    Web Development

  • Abdurrahman Sembiring

    Mobile Development Supervisor

  • Muhammad Adam Abdurrahman

    Mobile Development

  • Ariel Setyawan

    Product Management Supervisor

  • Raihan Pramuditama

    Product Management

  • Lutfiyah Wulan Kamila

    Media Creative Supervisor

  • Nabila Khyarotunnisa

    Gunadarma University

    Media Creative

  • Vino Alif Rafli

    Media Creative

  • Ira Damayanti


    Management & Administration Supervisor

  • Zahra Adinda Yaskur

    Gunadarma University

    Management & Administration

  • Ghina Desrizkymalia Zahirah

    Gunadarma University

    Management & Administration

  • Lilis Apriyani

    Partnership & Public Relation Supervisor

  • Abisola Sang Lintang

    Partnership & Public Relation

  • Sabrina Azka Zibrija

    Partnership & Public Relation

  • sasya rheina

    Supervisor Event Manager

  • 2EA06_Lelyta Ayu Andini

    Event Manager

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