Android Ride

Government Engineering College - Gandhinagar, India

we are going to learn much useful content like.. Splash screen, Intent, Toast, How to make good Activities with drawable, XML views and have some gifts for the students who have regularly attended sessions

Jan 7, 9:30 – 11:00 AM

10 RSVP'd


Key Themes


About this event

Get ready for the grand finale of our Android session! Join us for an exhilarating coding session where we delve into the intricacies of Android app development. In this last and most anticipated session, we'll be focusing on essential topics that will elevate your skills to new heights. Our seasoned instructors will guide you through the art of crafting an engaging Splash Screen, utilizing powerful Intents, mastering the art of Toast messages, and creating stellar Activities enriched with drawable. Dive into the world of XML views and discover how to bring your app's user interface to life.

As we bid farewell to this Android Bootcamp series, we have an exciting announcement to make! We'll be honoring the dedication and commitment of our participants by unveiling special gifts for those who have consistently attended the sessions. Your consistent presence has not only contributed to the success of the session but also showcased your passion for learning and growth. Join us for this unforgettable culmination, where knowledge meets celebration, and walk away not only with enhanced Android development skills but also with tokens of appreciation for your commitment to the learning journey.

Don't miss this opportunity to wrap up the Android Bootcamp on a high note. Whether you're a seasoned coder or a beginner eager to explore the world of Android development, this session promises insights, practical knowledge, and a chance to be rewarded for your dedication. See you there!


  • Bhargav Sangani

    GEC Gandhinagar

    Android Developer


  • Gunjan Tank

    GDSC Lead

  • Devansh Vora

    Core Team Member

  • Smit Rajani

    Core Team Member

  • Dhruvi Raj

    Core Team Member

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